

Only Consignors (and their Family/Friends) can Help.
CONSIGNORS will log into your Consignor Portal and select Help Shift(s) under your ID# for YOU and any FAMILY/FRIENDS helping.
Only OPEN Shifts are available and they fill up FAST!
Family / Friend Helpers
Consignors can have a Family Member or Friend take one of their scheduled Help Shifts to retain a higher % of their sales!
Family/Friends Help Shifts are selected from the Consignor’s Home Page. Go to Consignor Portal.
Family/Friends can attend the Presale (passes are not combined with the Consignor). See Chart Above for presale times.
Family/Friends Presale passes are given to the consignor at drop off OR at the front desk 15 min. prior to the presale.Consignors cannot sell for their Family/Friend.
The Family/Friend with items to sell MUST register & get their own Consignor ID#. (See Agreement)Husbands work great as security, rack set up and tear down.
Family/Friends arrive at the time scheduled shift. They must sign in and out next to the Consignor ID# on the Helper Sign In Sheet to receive credit.
The Family/Friend Helper Agreement is for the family/friend to sign. Consignors bring it to Drop Off to receive the presale passes.
If you need to reschedule, log back in your Consignor Porgal and EDIT your Shifts. You will have until the disable date to reschedule. During the event, in case of an emergency, you need to contact KID MANIA via phone to find a replacement. We are counting on filled shifts to be a successful event.
If you don’t show up for your shift without letting KID MANIA know:
Consignors you will be FLAGGED & charged a “NO SHOW FEE” which is $10 for each hour taken from your settlement check and/or you may be removed from future PreSales.