tagging service
Want to consign & declutter, but don’t have the time to do the work of entering, tagging, & prepping your items?
Reserve a Tagging Rep.
1. sign up
Sign up for this service with the request form below
2. register
Register EARLY as a Consignor & get an ID#/PSWD.
Drop off items to a Tagging Rep. Pick them up when done.
Drop items off at the venue, shop the presale & get an eCheck.
HOW IT WORKS (Not for our Holiday Sale)
This service if for those busy moms who don’t have time to enter, tag, & prep their kid items, want to declutter, shop our presale & make some fast cash! You can sign up earlier than the regular consignors to secure your spot! It is only available for the KID Sales (Not for The Holiday Sales).
If we find an excessive number of stains, broken items, missing pieces or items NOT clean in gender/size order upon delivery, we WILL RETURN 100% of items back to you and we WILL VOID this Tagging Service Agreement. – Be prepared in advance!
Sign Up to Request to use our Tagging Service; wait for confirmation of availability
Register as a Consignor ($15 ) EARLY- one week before the regular registrations open
If registrations already opened, you can still Sign Up before the cut off date or we close it
Services will close if we reach our limit of request or by the closed date, whichever is first
Sell 25 – 400 Accepted Items (see tab) that you are the sole owner of. Cannot be for someone else and we DO NOT take M@C Bid Discount Items
10% (min) of your items for sale must be other than clothing (ex: shoes, toys, books, equipment…)
ALL Items will be marked discounted and donated
and priced by KID MANIA’s Rep -
Clean all items and sort by gender/size in Rubbermaid containers with 1/2 full (leave space for hangers) NO EXCEPTIONS or we will give them back to you!
Larger items/toys that don’t fit in a container, fill out our Inventory Sheet
Cribs, Car Seat, Car Booster Seat or Car Seat Base & Designer Purses require a completed check list in order to sell
Items must be checked against recalls and have working batteries
Drop off items, Inventory Sheet, Checklists & Tagging Service Agreement to your Rep
We provide all the supplies (hangers, tags, packaging, zip ties, claim tickets, etc.)
Pick Up items, tagged, prepped & ready
Schedule a Drop Off Shift to deliver completed items to the venue to be sold
Schedule a Help Shift (optional) if you want an earlier Presale Pass (no discount off commission)
Do NOT schedule a Pick Up time, everything not sold is donated
Drop off is FAST no inspection, get your presale pass and take home your bins
Attend 2 Presales for Consigning
View what sold each night and view reports on your Consignor Portal
Commission is 50%-50% (no discounts)
$25 Supply Fee taken out of your eCheck
Receive an eCheck within 2 weeks