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Family Hayride

pick up

pick up unsold items

If ALL of your tags are marked for donation & on yellow card stock you DO NOT schedule a pick up shift. If your items are NOT ALL donated, you must pick up your unsold items. From your Consignor Portal select an OPEN Pick Up Shift that works for you.   Schedule a Pick Up Shift

NEW: KID MANIA NO LONGER DOES SORTING – Consignors find their own unsold items off the sales floor, takes them to a Check Out Station, a Sign Out Coordinator will verify ID# vs Items in bins, and Go. There is one Entrance and one Exit (do not park or go thru the back or side doors). Items cannot exit without going thru the Check Out Stations.

  • Unsold Items Report – This report shows what did not sell to help you pickup unsold items. KID MANIA will upload this report as soon as the last customer is out of the building. You can PRINT and bring with you or have on your phone.

  • Pick Up Items from the Floor: Bring your Unsold Items Report, find your items from the floor & take to a Sign Out Station. See Floor Map to help you locate your items.

  • Check Out: Once the Sign-Out Coordinator verifies you are only taking YOUR items home, you sign out and exit the building.

Items cannot be left assuming we will donate or you may be charged a $30 NO SHOW fee from the settlement check.

donate unsold items

Consignors indicate on their price tags if their item is for donation with DONATE: YES on Yellow Card Stock. KID MANIA will automatically pull those items marked for donation off the floor before pick up.   Donations

  • Donation Reports: Found on your Consignor Homepage and must be printed before we open our next event.

  • Donation Tax Receipt: Available by emailing:

  • Additional Donations: May be made even if the price tag is not marked for donation… at pick up please add the items to the donation pile and keep a list to update your Donation Report.

Missing Items?

KID MANIA has safety measures in place with Consignors & Helpers that watch over your items to keep our missing items to a minimum.  However, there can be a time where a small item may go missing.

  • First check to see if it was moved from a shopper and put in another location.

  • Check our Lost and Found when you Pick Up to see if the tag went missing.

  • Check the bottom of your Sellers Report. If it did not scan we assign it a number and you still receive the sale.

  • KID MANIA does not take items home, so after you leave the building, anything left over will be placed in the donation bins. (per the Seller Agreement and Sign Out Waiver).

  • If you still DO NOT find your item, please refer to your Seller Agreement where KID MANIA LLC will not be held liable.  We suggest you write your item off as a DONATION.

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